About Our Facility
Healing Paws Veterinary Care might use ultramodern technology and the latest, science-based medicine, but one of the most important aspects of our practice is our dedication to you and your beloved pets. We are a family-owned clinic whose purpose is to create a better quality of life for our patients and the people who love them.
Our core values of Teamwork, Integrity, Grace, Effort, Responsibility, Positivity, and Initiative empower us to provide the type of medical care you want for your furry family members--with a whole lot of love and the desire to see you share as many wonderful years together as possible!
Learn about our story by clicking below!
The Healing Paws Story
Dr. Tracy Sands grew up on a small sheep farm in central Pennsylvania working her way through college as a traveling sheep shearer and a veterinary assistant for a local dairy practice. After becoming an assistant at one of the country’s first 24-hour small animal hospitals, she developed a strong interest in the way that veterinary medicine is always evolving to provide better medical care for pets. After graduating with her doctorate from Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Sands went to work as a mixed animal veterinarian treating horses, cattle, pigs, dogs, cats, and more and soon realized that while she loved working with farmers, the extraordinary diversity of diagnostic testing and treatment possibilities for cats and dogs was her passion. Over the next decade, she became even more excited by internal medicine, especially feline and senior pet care. It was this that inspired her to first open Healing Paws Veterinary Care as a mobile veterinary practice.
As Healing Paws provided the Carlisle area with the first option for Fear Free/Low-Stress animal handling, and as owners realized that they would get to really talk with our veterinarians the practice grew. Quickly, the demand for appointments was more than what could be done while driving on the road. In 2017, Dr. Sands designed and built Healing Paws Veterinary Care as a building completely focused on providing pets with a low-stress experience. She was determined to make in-clinic veterinary care as low stress as it was in the pet’s home and found that it could be done! Details from the type of lighting and paint colors, to cat-only areas and special exam table surfaces, as well as environmentally friendly sanitizing systems, make for a building that feels more like a spa than a doctor’s office – making both people and pets more relaxed. Our exam rooms have no stainless steel tables – we prefer your pet to sit on a comfy blanket, our laps, or snuggle on the floor with us! At Healing Paws Veterinary Care, everything we do and every decision we make is focused on what will make our patients most comfortable and what will make being a pet owner more rewarding. Our goal is to make veterinary visits a positive experience for everyone, so we also are sure to schedule appointments not only with plenty of time to get to know your pet but also to be sure that you have time for us to answer your questions, discuss your concerns and explain your pet’s treatment options. We don’t want you or your pet to find veterinary visits stressful – our goal is to make them enjoyable!
At Healing Paws Veterinary Care, you can trust that we will be discussing with you the most current medical and surgical recommendations for your pet. Veterinary medicine has as many innovations and treatment options as human medicine (many are the same!) and, as your family member, your pet deserves a human level of care. We are an ever-evolving practice because we are constantly investigating new treatments, as well as strengthening our own abilities through continuing education. We also have working relationships with excellent veterinary specialists just as your human family doctor works with specialists. It is amazing what type of care pets can now receive!
In addition to our passion for improving the lives of animals and the people who love them, Healing Paws Veterinary Care is also a strong supporter of the community. In an effort to give back, we regularly donate to both local and national charities as well as we are continually working to reduce our carbon footprint. (Check out our community and carbon pawprint page to learn more!)
Finally, but perhaps most importantly, at Healing Paws Veterinary Care, we want to become your trusted partner as we share the goal of wanting your pet to live its best life. We are here to be your source for education, tools, and support on any pet care choice that you make to provide your friend with a long happy life.
The Healing Paws Culture
Employee Code Of Culture
Professional and Respectful Communication
I commit to providing a safe environment for my teammates, colleagues, and clients to speak. I will actively listen and respond in a kind, non-descending, respectful manner. Even when I do not agree I will not point blame, name call or demean. I commit to communicating with my team with respect and know that they are committed to the same.
Animal Handling and Communication
I commit to providing a safe environment for the Healing Paws Veterinary Care patients. I will actively observe their body language and respond in a kind, non-threatening, respectful manner. I will not scruff or hit any animal. If a patient can not have a procedure performed without significant strength based restraint, I will stop performing the procedure until a veterinarian can provide chemical restraint to keep that pet and the staff safe. I will use treats and gentle touch to reward pets when appropriate and use well fitted and comfortable muzzles to keep the team safe. I will consider how my actions and tone of voice affect not just the animal I am working with but every other one in the facility as well.
I commit to always conducting myself in a first-class manner inside and outside the clinic every day of the year as our mission is a twenty-four-hour, seven-days-a-week commitment to value our patients, our people, our community, and our world.
- I commit to uphold zero tolerance to gossip, whether about clients, teammates, or past teammates. I understand gossip is harmful and nonproductive. If I hear others gossiping, I will ask them to stop and redirect the conversation.
- I understand that completing checklists is necessary to protect the health and well being of our patients, clients, teammates and myself.
- I commit to putting personal achievements as less important than the efficiency of the whole team and will work alongside my team members to provide thorough care.
- I commit to consistently take action to improve situations both for the team, my workplace and myself.
If I feel exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed or anxious I will take time to look at the reasons for my feelings and work towards solutions engaging the help of others when I can not find those solutions on my own. - I understand that taking responsibility for my actions is expected and necessary for the safety of our patients and the trust of our clients and teammates. When I make a mistake I will own it and ask for help in finding a solution. When I succeed I will own it and celebrate with my teammates.
- I commit to bringing a positive attitude to work for every shift even in challenging times and during difficult times will strive to think in an optimistic way and look for solutions.
- I commit to recognizing that I may have a perspective that provides a unique solution to a challenge and therefore I will offer those solutions in a kind and constructive manner. If it is agreed that my suggestion will lead us towards our purpose, I will take action to aid in the implantation of the suggestion.
- I will not post about patients or clients on my personal social media accounts, even in telling stories without their names. I understand that everything I post on my social media reflects me as a professional and the culture of the Healing Paws Veterinary Care community.
- I accept that others may have different viewpoints and world views and commit to treating others with kindness even when we see things differently.
- I understand that using HPVC core values, behavioral standards and code of culture to guide my actions, behaviors and decisions leads to team excellence and I will be held accountable to uphold them.
Behavioral Standards
Be Kind
- Introduce yourself by name and role to clients and use their name and their pet’s name when greeting and in conversation.
- Use please and thank you, ask if now is an ok time instead of interrupting
- Give clients time to ask questions.
- Treat your co-workers, clients, representatives and contractors all with respect and a smile
- Respond to stressed clients with a listening ear, kind face and pleasant words.
- If gossip or complaints are heard, redirect the conversation to productive matters – discussion should be only what would be said with the person present.
Be Innovative
- When compelled to complain, self-reflect first and then offer solutions instead of complaints.
- Look for ways to improve processes and efficiency – accept the change intended to improve them.
Be Grateful
- Learn your appreciation language and use the languages of your coworkers.
- When thanking someone, be specific in what they have done that makes you thankful.
- Remember that every patient that comes through our door is a reason that we are able to come to work at Healing Paws.
- Think of others who do not have their freedom, jobs, health, or people who care for them, and remember this – at Healing Paws you always have a team that cares about you. Care for them too.
Be Thorough
- Take your time -paying attention to detail is how to go beyond expectations and avoid mistakes.
- Focus on the task at hand instead of splitting yourself in multiple directions.
- Fulfill our promise of giving your full attention to each pet and each client.
- Go home feeling good about the level of work you’ve done at the end of the day.
- Empower yourself by using checklists and to-do lists to get things done completely and accurately.
Be Positive
- Find the silver lining in situations – it is there!
- Respond instead of reacting. Please RESPOND instead of reacting!
Be Gentle
- Handle all pets in a Low Stress/Fear Free way – if this can not be done so without a change, ask for the change.
- Remember that clients and your teammates have their own unspoken struggles, be gentle with them when they falter.
Be a Team Player
- Ask for help! You are your best when not over-stretched.
- Give help! Ask “what can I do to help” and look for ways to ease others’ task lists.
- Value each other. Titles do not determine the importance of a person’s voice in this practice.
- Know your wellness resources and use them- take care of yourself and then you can care for others.

Healing Paws exists because pet owners matter and pets need advocates!

Our purpose is to create a better quality of life for our patients and staff. We do so by providing first-class veterinary care and continuing to improve our knowledge, services, and community/carbon pawprint.

We will create client, staff, and clinic programs that value our patients, our people, our community, and our world.

Our promise is to give a thorough and kind experience for both pets and owners alike!